Slimming Drugs Do Any Drink, This Side Effects

Slimming Drugs Do Any Drink, This Side Effects
Losing weight is not easy. Out of desperation, not a few people who take slimming drugs to lose weight instantly. But should not be indiscriminate taking slimming drugs because many side effects.

Healthy weight loss should be done by increasing physical activity along with eating a healthy diet, not by way of instant like taking slimming drugs. One-one, your body is so damaged even made.

Here are some of the side effects of slimming drugs that often occur, ranging from mild to the most severe, as reported Onlymyhealth, Wednesday (03/04/2013):

1. Digestive Problems

The most common side effects of slimming drugs are stomach complaints. There is a fat blocker that is present in slimming drug and can cause indigestion, excessive gas and even diarrhea.

Most of the elements also reduces the body's ability to absorb vitamins. Vitamin deficiency in the body is a common side effect of slimming drugs. Hence, people who consume slimming drugs need to drink additional multivitamin.

2. Suppression hunger

There are many horror stories are enough to show how slimming drugs can kill. Slimming drugs usually contain elements called sibutramine, which triggers the sympathetic nervous system. It suppresses hunger but also can increase a person's normal heartbeat that can lead to attacks if not controlled.

Delirium (disturbance of consciousness), hyperactivity, increased blood pressure, hot flushes and insomnia is a side effect of the additional suppression of hunger by slimming drug. In fact, several people reportedly suffered a blood clot that occurs due to increased blood pressure.

3. Uncomfortable body

Despite the fact that slimming drugs can expose you to the danger of heart attack, these pills can also cause discomfort in the body.

People who take these pills usually do not have control over bowel movements (BAB). Increased flatulence and oily stool is also some additional discomfort in people who consume a slimming drug. Other effects, such as headaches, abdominal pain, dry mouth and throat, addiction and constipation.

4. Early Menopause

dr Frizar Irmansyah, SpOG, gynecologists from Pertamina Central Hospital explains in general slimming drugs purchased without a prescription can indeed make a slim woman with an instant way. But the effect, slimming drugs that can cause indiscriminate women urinate excessively.

"Well, if the woman pee a lot continuously, blood circulation in the ovaries become disturbed and damaged. If it is damaged, ovary or ovaries that can not be repaired anymore, might eventually not menstruation and menopause at a younger age, "added Dr. Frizar.

Easy Ways to Prevent Hypertension

Easy Ways to Prevent Hypertension
Hypertension includes a silent killer, a disease that kills silently. Without serious symptoms and complaints, disturbances tend to cause high blood pressure and lead to heart disease, kidney failure, and stroke.

Amid the threat of a fatal attack, we need to make healthy habits with regular exercise and eating foods that can control high blood pressure for hypertension. Healthy food in question is as follows.

Dark chocolate
Not that we necessarily mengadaka a chocolate party. The high content of flavonoids contained in chocolate, we only need to eat about 25-30 calories per day to help lower blood pressure levels in the body. Review of a study published in the journal BMC Medicine shows flavanol content of chocolate serves to trigger the dilation of blood vessels, and this in turn lowers blood pressure. Flavanol shown to increase the formation of endothelial nitric oxide, which supports a decrease in blood pressure, as presented by researchers from the University of Adelaide, Dr. Karin Ried.
There are many health benefits to eating soy. One way to lower bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. With a potassium content and a fairly nice isoflavones, soy effective way to help combat the rise in blood pressure in the body.
Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, which can help blood pressure levels in the body. Research Ben Gurion University to strengthen it showing the consumption of tomato extract for 16 weeks can reduce an average of 10 points in systolic blood pressure (when the heart contracts) and about 4 points diastolic blood pressure (when the heart relaxes).
Not only rich in fiber, green vegetables also contain magnesium and potassium are essential to maintain stable blood pressure. The content of folate in spinach may also protect against homocysteine ​​chemical compounds that trigger heart attacks and strokes.
A study in 2005 published in the journal Hypertension found the lowered blood pressure with potassium-rich foods, such as bananas. The results of this study have been confirmed by a number of studies showing the benefits of bananas to help lower high blood pressure.
Oriental medicine practitioners have long used celery for lowering high blood pressure. Eat at least four stalks of celery each day to lower blood pressure in the body. However, celery also contains sodium and other compounds that actually have negative effects when consumed in large quantities.
Garlic is a wonder drug for heart. Garlic mengungungkan effect on all cardiovascular system including blood pressure. In one study, when people with high blood pressure were given one clove of garlic every day for 12 weeks, their diastolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels were significantly reduced. Eat a small clove of garlic every day can help manage hypertension. Use garlic in dishes such as soups, salads, pickles, etc..
Onions are also useful for hypertension. Two to three tablespoons of onion essential oil a day can lower the average systolic and 25 points diastolic levels by 15 points in patients with hypertension. Of course, because onion is a cousin of garlic.
Glucoraphanin, also known as sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS), a natural compound found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts, helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
Carrots are high in potassium, can help prevent and control high blood pressure. Carrots are also high in beta-carotene, which studies show can reduce the risk of heart disease due to high blood pressure. Carrot juice helps maintain normal blood pressure by regulating heart and kidney function. The recommended dose is 240 ml of a mixture of one part celery juice, one part carrot juice and one part water, drink at least once a day.
Spices such as fennel, oregano, black pepper, turmeric, and basil also has active ingredients that are beneficial in helping to reduce hypertension. Use a spice in cooking.
Skim milk
Contains calcium, potassium, and vitamin D, which will collaborate to help reduce blood pressure and keep your body healthy.

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Spinach Effectively Prevent Senile

Spinach Effectively Prevent Senile
Those who love to eat spinach not only get the health benefits for the body, but also have a lower risk of dementia or senility.

As reported by the Daily Mail, a study conducted at the University of Ulm, Germany, revealed a high content of antioxidants in spinach effective against the symptoms of dementia. The study included 74 participants with mild memory impairment and 158 healthy participants. Their age range was 65-90 years. In addition to neuropsychological tests are needed to answer questions about your lifestyle, they also undergo blood tests and measurements of body mass index.

The research, led by Professor Gabriele Nagel, an epidemiologist and neurologist Christine von Arnim found concentrations of serum antioxidants and vitamin C and beta-carotene were significantly lower in participants with mild dementia group compared to the healthy participants.

There was no difference in the levels of other antioxidants such as vitamin E, lycopene, and coenzyme Q10. More research is needed to confirm the results of vitamin C and beta-carotene that can prevent the development and onset of dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Dementia or Alzheimer's have symptoms such as forgetfulness, loss of orientation, and cognitive decline. It all happened because of changes in brain structure, including amyloid-beta plaques, degeneration, and loss of synapses fibrillae. While oxidative stress, which inhibits the circulation of oxygen in the body, is also thought to contribute to developing memory disorders.

In addition to spinach, Nagel and Arnim who published their study in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease also reveals the same benefits of other antioxidant-rich foods such as carrots, apricots, and grapefruit.

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Isoflavones and Menopause

Isoflavones and Menopause
Isoflavones is a substance that is usually contained in soy. He is important because it has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of humans contracting various diseases. One is to go through periods when the symptoms of menopause in women.

Menopause is the natural aging process due to falling estrogen content. This process occurs when women stop menstruating and evolution. Usually occurs when a woman entered the age of 45-55 years. In fact, in some cases experienced by women with low estrogen levels, menopause can come at the age of 40.

Menopause often bring uncomfortable symptoms for a woman. In addition to the confidence crisis and adjustment period increases the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.

There are two hormones in women that are essential for normal reproductive development and helps the production of estrogen women, the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Leteinizing Hormone (LH). FSH stimulates the growth and activity of the enzyme aromatase follikuler. Meanwhile, LH stimulates the production of endrogen.

Menopause occurs when the supply follikel reduced, causing LH and FSH are not used up. This is what ultimately makes estrogen levels decline, and as a result, stop the process of menstruation.

Then where isoflavones function? He mimics the role of female hormones; the estrogen it. At the time of declining estrogen levels, a lot of excess estrogen receptors that are not tied. If the body to consume isoflavones, for example by consuming soy products, there will be a binding effect of isoflavones with estrogen receptors that produce beneficial effects, thereby reducing the symptoms of menopause.

In addition, any women who consume about 40-50 grams of isoflavones per day, can be used as a substitute for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), which allows reducing the symptoms of post-menopausal syndromes, such as dryness of the female organ.

Not just the symptoms of menopause, isoflavones also affect both the prevention of some other disease. Like, cholesterol, heart attack, allergies, osteoporosis, to cancer.

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Hypertension During Pregnancy Affect Children's IQ

Hypertension During Pregnancy Affect Children's IQ
The health condition of the mother during pregnancy affect children into adulthood. A recent study found that men born to mothers who have high blood pressure during pregnancy quicker mental decline than those who had mothers with healthy blood pressure.

The real difference occurs at the age of 20, and widens all human life. The findings of Dr. Katri Raikkonen and colleagues at the University of Helsinki in Finland also found that the resulting gap is the largest mental IQ, such as the ability to solve mathematical problems.

As published in the Telegraph, academics analyzed 398 men born between 1934 and 1944. All participants were tested to solve math problems, language and spatial reasoning at age 20 and repeated again at the age of 69 years.

Dr. Raikkonen said, high blood pressure and related conditions like pre-eclampsia complicates approximately 10 percent of all pregnancies and may affect the baby in the womb. Hasi Citing a study published in the Journal of Neurology, he added, this study shows that the decline in thinking ability in old age can be derived from the pregnancy when the majority of the structure and function of brain development occurs.

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Benefits of Soursop Fruit

Benefits of Soursop Fruit
Soursop was originally grew wild in South America, Bermuda, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, and the Bahamas. However, now we can easily find it in the supermarket.

Soursop fruit is not a true fruit, the size is big enough to 20 - 30 cm with a weight up to 2.5 kg. Called "fruit" is actually a collection of fruit (fruit aggregate) with a single seed and losing limits coincide antarbuah. The flesh is white and has black seeds. The fruit is often used as a raw material juice drinks or ice cream.

In 100 g of soursop, contains as much energy as 65 kcal, 1 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 16.3 g carbohydrates, as well as the water content up to 81.7%. Soursop nutrient proven to cure various diseases, including cancer. Here are some amazing properties of soursop fruit.

Soursop contains a lot of fiber to facilitate digestion and bowel movements, and help control cholesterol levels. In addition, soursop can also help you control your appetite and weight control.

Secangkirs soursop contains almost 38 g carbohydrate, which is the body's main energy source. Your daily carbohydrate intake should reach 45-65 percent of calories the body, ie 225-325 g per day for a 2,000 calorie diet. In addition, the types of carbohydrates contained in the fruit are much healthier than those found in soda or cake, because it can trigger a rise in blood sugar.
Soursop can increase your intake of potassium for your body. Potassium is important for the body because it helps the muscles, bones contraction, digestion and regulate healthy blood pressure levels.
Vitamin C
Soursop fruit is very rich in vitamin C. Women must meet the intake of 75 mg of vitamin C per day, while men are about 90 mg per day. Vitamin C plays an important role in the immune system and helps the body fight disease, including skin damage, and heal wounds. In addition, vitamin C as well as antioxidants that can fight free radical damage.
A cup of soursop contains nearly 183 g of water. According to the Mayo Clinic, most people memberlukan about 8-9 glasses of water every day. Fruits with high water content, including soursop, can help prevent dehydration.

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Relieve Menstrual Pain

Relieve Menstrual Pain
Menstruation trigger hormonal changes that affect the body and emotions. Often, the egg decay is accompanied by pain that could potentially interfere with daily activities. Some women consider menstruation as a period of torment. Well, let's see some suggestions that can relieve menstrual pain that keep the body's energy levels, as reported by AllWomenStalk.
Pour hot water into the glass bottle. So not too hot when held, wrap the bottle with a cloth. Roll-gulungkan or massage with abdominal pain bottle until the bottle is getting cold. Could also try a bath with warm water to ease the pain.
You've seen the position of the fetus in the womb? They will put a hand near the face while squatting. The position is relatively effective because it can make your stomach muscles relax so that reduces menstrual pain.
Healthy food.

During menstruation, intake of foods rich in zinc, calcium, and B vitamins can help relieve cramps and flatulence. Do not forget to add whole grains and fruits and vegetables.
Menstrual pain is no excuse for idleness, unless the pain is unbearable. Staying active is highly recommended because it makes the muscles more relaxed and helps stimulate the release of happy hormones or endorphins from the brain.
Aromatherapy is known to create a calming effect. Light a candle scented or apply a few drops of aromatherapy oils in the tub for a bath.

This being the final solution when finally intolerable pain. Take medicines containing paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve pain. However, if the pain is serious enough, you should consult with your doctor.

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