Hypertension During Pregnancy Affect Children's IQ

Hypertension During Pregnancy Affect Children's IQ
The health condition of the mother during pregnancy affect children into adulthood. A recent study found that men born to mothers who have high blood pressure during pregnancy quicker mental decline than those who had mothers with healthy blood pressure.

The real difference occurs at the age of 20, and widens all human life. The findings of Dr. Katri Raikkonen and colleagues at the University of Helsinki in Finland also found that the resulting gap is the largest mental IQ, such as the ability to solve mathematical problems.

As published in the Telegraph, academics analyzed 398 men born between 1934 and 1944. All participants were tested to solve math problems, language and spatial reasoning at age 20 and repeated again at the age of 69 years.

Dr. Raikkonen said, high blood pressure and related conditions like pre-eclampsia complicates approximately 10 percent of all pregnancies and may affect the baby in the womb. Hasi Citing a study published in the Journal of Neurology, he added, this study shows that the decline in thinking ability in old age can be derived from the pregnancy when the majority of the structure and function of brain development occurs.

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