Red Bit Lower Hypertension

Red Bit Lower Hypertension
Bit is a kind of tuber vegetables watery red. In addition to adding energy, bit also has many benefits for the body. Unfortunately, some people do not like the bit because of the smell and the taste is not okay. Let us see what are the benefits of this bit.

Without fat.
Watery vegetables do not contain saturated fat. For those of you who are dieting, fruit bits can be healthy menu rich in nutrients.
Energy boosters.
Bit is one source of carbohydrate. So, if you feel weak and without strength, eat a bit as an energy booster.
Rich in folic acid.
Folic acid is needed to increase the production of new cells, especially for pregnant women. Pregnant women need proper supplementation of folic acid. Instead of taking folic acid pills, try taking bits.
Red vegetables have many nutrients needed by the body. Bit is a good source of vitamin A, C, betaine, calcium, minerals, magnesium, phosphorus, niacin, and iron.
Healthy heart.
Bit can reduce high blood pressure. Bit can also improve blood circulation in the body. Betaine in a bit to reduce the concentration of homocysteine ​​(a substance that contributes to peripheral vascular disease and stroke). Betaine also reduce fat from the bloodstream that block blood flow to the heart.
Healthy juice.
Drink a glass of beetroot juice after exercising in the morning. Beet juice also burns calories. Remarkably, beet juice can lower blood pressure within one hour.

Include this red vegetables in your daily diet. Regular exercise is not enough, without the support of a healthy diet.

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