Storing Vegetables to Keep Fresh

Storing Vegetables to Keep Fresh
Quite often we cook, but not to spend all the ingredients. Happens a few vegetables thrown left and would love because we can use to cook next. Now, how to store leftover vegetables to keep them fresh?

1. For those who do not have a refrigerator or accidental means no electricity storage vegetables are good enough to incorporate vegetables into containers such as barrel or pan of clay. Place the container was in a large pot (no holes) from the ground filled with water by half. Vegetables stored can last between 2 and 3 days.
2. Or enter a vegetable into an email or aluminum pan dry. Close tightly, store in a cool place. Vegetables will hold up to two days.
3. While stored in the refrigerator, no vegetables can be durable. To be able to last longer, wrap vegetables with paper towel because this tissue will absorb the moisture.
4. Another way, put vegetables in a perforated plastic in some places. Save at the place of storage of vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator.

So, if tomorrow early in the morning you have to cook, no need to rush into the market, because there are still supplies of vegetables.

tag : keeping vegetables fresh in the fridge - keeping cut vegetables fresh - how to keep vegetables fresh longer - store fresh fruits - store fresh carrots - store fresh squash - storage fresh vegetables - how to keep fruit fresh

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