Rice, Carbs Colon Cancer Prevention

Rice, Carbs Colon Cancer Prevention
For a moment, forget our worries of gaining weight, and the dangers of arsenic in rice. A recent study revealed that rice could prevent a person from colon cancer.

"Colorectal cancer increased sharply in Japan and Hong Kong. This type of cancer is often associated with changes in food in the country for 50 years, "said Professor Ann Richardson of the University of Canterbury, as reported by the Times of India.

They replace the rice with other carbohydrate sources. As a result, rice consumption decreased by almost 50 percent in Japan during 20-30 years. However, China and India are still eating rice has relatively low levels of colon cancer.

Some laboratory studies also showed that rice has a suppressive effect on tumors and cancer. Reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010 showed the lowest colon cancer patients are men in Asia and the Pacific Islands. This area has a population usually eat rice as a staple food.

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