Causes of Hair Loss

Causes of Hair Loss
You go bald or thinning hair? Your hair changes color or so kinky? Try checking back medications you're taking. It could be, that's the cause.

Blood pressure medication, acne, depression, and painkillers are often prescribed may cause disruption to the hair and scalp. The report is based on the findings of scientists at the University of Melbourne.

Hair loss and hair thinning can occur up to one year after taking certain medications. Doctors advised to immediately consult if you see an unusual hair loss. But, do not stop taking the medication without consulting.

Causes of hair loss or hair changes often go unnoticed, but always consider the effects of the drug, explains Professor Sam Shuster, professor of dermatology at Newcastle University. She said the hair loss caused by drug intake can still be restored if the drug is stopped, according to excerpts from the Daily Mail.

Chemotherapy drugs, for example, can kill cancer cells, but also invade other tissues such as hair follicles. Patients will begin to lose hair around 2-3 weeks after treatment.

The present invention also find drugs that can affect the texture and color of hair, but it will grow back 3-10 months after treatment ended. Here are some medications that cause disruption in the hair.
Some anti-epileptic drugs are associated with migraines and hair loss, can make the hair so curly. One is sodium valproate, studies say hair loss occurs between 3 and 10 percent of patients.
These drugs can trigger premature hair loss and cause hair enters the resting phase of the hair cycle perutmbuhan. This usually lasts three months, and the new hair will grow back after use. Fuoxetine or Prozac is an antidepressant of the most frequent causes of hair loss. There was also a similar effect on the tricyclic antidepressants, including imipramine, amitriptyline and doxepin. Patients do not need to panic, because their hair will grow again.
Drug psoriasis.
Disease that causes scaly skin due to excessive production of skin cells. There are several treatments that slow down the production of new skin cells, but causes unpleasant effects. Among changing hair color, and even make curly hair. Scientists believe if these drugs interfere with the structure of the hair follicle, which produces melamine pigment and hair texture. Hair will return to its original shape when the treatment ends.
Birth control pills.
Many women experience hair loss after stopping the pill after long-term consumption. In theory, progesterone-based oral contraceptive pill, which contains a compound called anti-androgens. These compounds reduce the risk of hair loss in women who are susceptible. But, when women stop taking birth control pills, hair loss or worse.
Blood pressure medications.
Drugs used to treat blood pressure tinggu also associated with thinning hair. Melbourne researchers said the two beta blockers, metoprolol and propranolol, have been shown to cause hair loss that can be recovered.
Acne pills.
Retinoids derived from vitamin A, which is widely used to treat skin disorders including acne. This material causes hair loss in a small number of patients, according to a study in Melbourne. The higher the dose taken, the hair of patients may be affected.

A small study linking the painkiller with hair loss. A small U.S. study based on a sample of 21 people who use ibuprofen found, 15 patients reported a thinning or loss of hair. Once the medication is stopped, the hair loss was reduced after 8-9 months.
Blood thinners.

Patients at risk for blood clots are often prescribed blood-thinning medication. This can trigger hair loss by damaging the hair follicles, according to a study in Universiti of California. Blood thinners can cause hair loss, but patients should remember that the blood thinner may be required to make the patient alive.

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