Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Health

Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Health
Addressing health issues do not necessarily have to use drugs that can be expensive. We can do it in a natural way without any side effects that cause other health problems. Only needs to be consistent to do so, ie making fruit and vegetable juices.

This simple method will provide better health effects, in an attempt to remove all toxins detoxify the body. Here is a selection of juices according to our health problems.
Improve brain memory.
A study conducted at Harvard University states, blueberries can improve memory sharpness by delaying brain aging refers to the activity of the brain such as thinking, remembering, and logic. We can take this juice every day, as brain food. Mix one cup of fresh blueberries, bananas, and a teaspoon of flaxseed oil to make juice.
Digestive problems.
Mixed fruit juice can be used for digestive problems. We can make papaya juice and peach. The enzyme papain in papaya, served as detoxifying the body to remove toxins. Add this juice with half a pear, and a piece of fresh ginger. In addition to helping resolve inflammation in digestion, ginger is also used as controls blood sugar levels.
Make the skin smooth.
To solve the problem of acne, we can rely on a mixture of fruit juice. Blueberries, strawberries, cherries, avocados, flaxseed, and honey. This formula will reduce the inflammation in the skin. Each material works in its own way. Family berry acts as an antioxidant that encourages skin regeneration, honey as an antibacterial material, and avocado with potassium, vitamin B, E, C, and K, will help moisturize and soften the skin from within.
If you want to rid the body of toxins as a whole, we can make fruit and vegetable juices are consumed every day. Juice ingredients consists of some chopped lettuce, half a cup of romaine lettuce, three stalks of celery, two apples, one banana, half cup of lemon juice, and extra parsley.
Treating hypertension.
As blood pressure control, bananas and oranges may reduce hypertension naturally. Combine both ingredients, then add the honey and vanilla. Potassium in the juice will help scrape the excess sodium in the body, reducing blood pressure.

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