Cause Stomach Problems After Eating

Cause Stomach Problems After Eating
You often have stomach problems after eating? Discomfort is usually caused by bloating, gas, cramps and heartburn. Which also trigger is poor eating habits, such as not choosing the right foods.

When eating, your body will release about 22 types of digestive enzymes from the salivary gland and small intestine. This enzyme works on certain foods, such as proteases that will break down protein, amylase that help digest carbohydrates and lipase and lipid resting.

Other habits that interfere with digestion are:

Lack of fiber.
Fiber is not only the key to maintaining the gastrointestinal tract, but also important for overall health. Unfortunately, many of us choose junk food, red meat and high-fat foods. Consumption of fiber actually prevent diabetes, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, colorectal cancer, and other diseases. Avoid foods that produce gas in the body, such as broccoli, green beans, cabbage, cauliflower, and soft drinks that cause bloating.
Chewing too fast.
An important part of the process of eating is chewing. However, often rushing to be the reason for a quick meal tolerance. Chewing not only helps break down food, but it also signals the salivary glands, stomach, and small intestine to start releasing digestive enzymes. Dose foods also do not need to overdo it, because the body only has a limited digestive enzymes. When taking a large amount of food, our bodies must also provide acid for digestion, and this will make the stomach work extra hard.

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