Baby Signs of Illness

Baby Signs of Illness
As new parents, we have spent a period of nine months plus emotional preparation for the new members are born. However, maybe we are not ready when the baby is sick and not know when we can deal with the disease itself and when to get professional help.

Recognize the signs of illness in infants under six months of age, and guidance when we have to call a doctor.
Fever is not actually a disease, but infants respond to disease, usually infection. Call your doctor if your infant aged less than three months and has a rectal temperature above 37.9 ° C, or if the infant from 3-6 months and has a temperature above 38.3 oC. Moreover, if the temperature is lower than general guidelines, immediately contact your doctor, or if the baby looks sick with signs such as rash, irritability, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, stiff neck, vomiting or diarrhea, signs of dehydration, lethargy, or difficult to wake.
Dehydration can occur if the baby is eating poorly, fever, being in a hot environment, or vomiting or diarrhea. We can recognize the symptoms of dehydration in infants such as dry mouth and gums, rarely wet diapers, crying without tears or a little crown sink. If we think our baby is dehydrated, call your doctor immediately.
Diarrhea is common in infants, consult your doctor if there is blood in the stool baby (who looks slightly brighter red, more seriously, black), baby pee with watery stools more than six times a day, do not get liquid or shows signs of dehydration .
When babies spit up frequently, this can be worrisome. Vomit or spit up is not too serious if it only happened once or twice. However, if more often, especially if mixed with blood or green, or if the baby looks dehydrated, contact your doctor.
Difficulty in breathing.
If the baby is having trouble breathing, we need to immediately call a doctor. Signs include difficulty breathing babies: baby breathing faster than normal; tissue between the ribs, above the collarbone, or in the upper abdomen sucked in when the baby's breathing; baby grunt when exhaling; baby's head bobbing; baby's lips or colored bluish tinge.
Redness, bleeding or hemorrhage.
If the baby's navel (or the rest of the navel) or penis turns red, bloody or bleeding, call your doctor immediately. These are signs of infection.
The rash is common in babies, but contact your doctor if the rash covers a large area, especially the face, or is accompanied by fever, bleeding, bleeding or swelling, or if the rash looks infected.
Upper respiratory tract infection (ARI) is caused by a virus and is very common in infants. Usually lasts one or two weeks with a fever, nose and appetite worsened over the past few days, when coupled with the cough can last for two to three weeks. If more serious symptoms, it requires a doctor's care, especially if the cough to severe and almost nonstop or eject blood.

Finally, in all circumstances, if we are very concerned with the situation that we think sick babies, rely on instinct as a mother and get medical attention.

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