Fiber Important Role For Body

Fiber Important Role For Body
Dietary fiber is known to help digestion and prevent us from various diseases. Fiber also provides other benefits that are not less important for the body. Consider the function of the fiber, as reported by the Huffington Post the following, do not hesitate to include them in your daily menu.
A study showed that people with a daily routine that meets the needs of fiber (14 grams per 1,000 calories consumed) had a chance to live nine years longer than those who do not.
Maintain intestinal health.
There may be no direct relationship between dietary fiber with the risk of colon cancer. However, the needs of fiber indirectly able to maintain overall intestinal health.
Lowering cholesterol.
Soluble fiber plays an important role in lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the body that normally leads to heart disease.
Preventing diabetes.
Diets high in fiber also slows the absorption of sugar in the blood. Someone who diligently daily fiber needs little risk of type 2 diabetes.
Having a bowel disorder? It's a sign you need to eat more fiber. You should increase your intake of fiber digestion in order to become more fluent.
Lose weight.
Fibers have a tendency to make a full stomach in the long run. So, if you want to lose weight, do not be lazy to mengasup fiber foods.
Preventing a heart attack.
In a study of long-term consumption of fibrous foods was also associated with being able to prevent heart disease. This study also proves, nutritious fiber prevents inflammation and lower blood pressure.

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