Food for Clean Teeth and Fresh Breath

Food for Clean Teeth and Fresh BreathDiligent brushing your teeth is one way to maintain better oral health and maintain the freshness of breath. Some foods can also clean your teeth and make breathing more fresh, like the food that follows below.
Chewing celery is a good exercise for gums. Excess saliva produced to clean the mouth good. Celery still have the fiber of raw vegetables.
Pears and apples.
Natural sugar from pears and apples make teeth and gums healthy. Other positive effects, since both fruits are rich in antioxidants naturally healthy body.
Essential oils.
Essential oil obtained from the distillation of fruit, seeds, leaves, and roots of plants. Mix a few drops of essential oil into the warm water and use to rinse. This method is effective to relieve inflammation of the gums, preventing the bacteria that cause tooth decay and freshen breath.
Cheese contains milk protein called casein that strengthens tooth enamel protection. The cheese is also low acid and sugar but high in calcium. Besides delicious, the cheese can clean your teeth and make a fresh breath.
Just like cheese, casein and calcium-rich yogurt. The other good side of yogurt is to improve the performance of healthy digestion and overall body.

Enjoy the foods mentioned above if you want to have clean teeth and fresh breath. Do not forget to remain diligent brushing your teeth after meals and before bed at night.

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