8 Bad Habits Brushing Teeth

8 Bad Habits Brushing Teeth
What do you brush your teeth? Avoid toothache or prevent bad breath? Whatever your reason, consider the eight bad habits that you could have done unknowingly. If you do these bad habits, the purpose of brushing teeth may only prevent bad breath. In fact, one of those habits that can lead to cavities, decay, and gum disease.

What are the 8 bad habits?

Brushing teeth is not long.
According to Michael Lencher dentist, most people brush their teeth long enough. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth for between two and three minutes. Meanwhile, the average person is one minute brushing. Could be due to a rush going to work or have been sleepy.

Change the habit is to install an alarm so you know how long it's two or three minutes. Or use an electric toothbrush and a set time of turning between two and three minutes.

Do not see what you are doing.
Since it became a regular habit, you also do brush my teeth without noticing where motion toothbrush. This course provides an opportunity for us to see gaps where teeth hiding food that will cause plaque, tartar, or bacteria that cause gingivitis. Brushing your teeth is also automatically eliminates your chance to see the inside of the mouth, especially on the back molars. Though it can be hidden dirt in there.

Try it now brushing my teeth in front of the mirror and look at your toothbrush activity.

Less correct brushing technique.
The tooth enamel coatings are composed of glassy rods huddled together. When you tie the horizontal direction, indirectly you are doing "illegal" earlier rods. Long glass rod will be destroyed and not optimal dental protection. Gigi also easily chipped or broken.

Position the brush at a 45 degree angle to the tooth surface and make a circular motion in a small circle. Focus on some gear before moving to another gear. On the bottom, front and back. Then brush the gums that intersect with teeth to ward off the loss and bacterial plaque.

Brushing too hard.
Possible enamel destroyed as well as scrubbing too hard. So if you tend to brush by pressing or hone, it is likely to grow. Coupled with a hard bristle brush, the action causes indentation near the gum-tooth border known as abfraksi injuries. With the pressure continues, it could notch deeper, down to the dental cement.

Using the wrong toothbrush.
Be sure to buy a soft toothbrush or very gently to reduce tooth decay. Lencher reminded, though it was buying a soft but if one use can cause tooth abrasion. You should replace your toothbrush every three months because besides the brush is not optimal toothbrush also be the growth of bacteria. To prevent the growth of bacteria, wash brush your teeth with warm water after brushing. Then dry.

Using the wrong toothpaste.
Baking soda toothpaste good for removing stains as abrasive, but it means also threaten your enamel. So think again. While whitening toothpastes, knowledge Lencher it will not hurt your teeth.

Forget doing flossing.
Flossing remove dirt stuck between the teeth that can not be done by a toothbrush. Cavities mostly originated from the surface of the teeth that intersect. Bacteria trapped in there, get food from food scraps that stuck, clump together and produce compounds that "eat" the tooth. So, using dental floss is not an option if you do not want holes in your teeth.

You do not rinse after brushing.
Effective brushing and flossing is just one step. Step maintain healthy teeth will be perfect to use mouthwash. If no mouthwash that kills germs, water only enough than not rinsing at all.

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