Women, Stop Smoking

Women, Stop Smoking
Women who quit smoking before the age of 30 years will avoid the risk of premature death from tobacco-related illnesses. That the results of a study of more than a million women in the United Kingdom. The results were published in the Lancet shows that a lifetime of active smokers died about 10 years earlier than those who do not smoke.

Angela (29 years), who smoked from the age of 11 years and was finally able to stop before the age of 30 years, revealed that there is a huge difference in terms of his health. As quoted by the BBC, he expressed his astonishment at the change. When he could spend actively smoking 10 cigarettes per day. Motivation to stop because he was afraid of the risks of smoking to health.

The study involved the first generation of female smokers who started smoking in the era of the 1950s and the 1960s. Women smokers more recent large scale than men, so that the effect of smoking on their new life analyzed later. "What we showed is that if women smoke like men, they will die like men," said lead researcher Prof. Sir Richard Peto, from Oxford University, as reported by the BBC.

More than half of women who smoke and continue to smoke will die because of tobacco. Prof. Peto emphasized the factor of time compared to the number of factors. "If you smoke 10 cigarettes a day for 40 years would be more dangerous than smoking 20 cigarettes cigarettes for 20 years." Even if you smoke just a few cigarettes a day, the risk of dying in middle age will increase two-fold.

Other notes from a study of 1.2 million women smokers is even if you smoke less than 10 cigarettes a day cigarette die sooner risk remains high. Sir Richard said that it could be the same picture as in male smokers.

British Lung Foundation states that in order to obtain long-term health better, quit smoking before the age of 30 years. But that does not mean it's a "suggestion" for as much of smoke at the age of 20 years. Its chairman, Dr. Penny Woods, said, "Quitting smoking can also be a constraint for smokers. Estimated that about 70 percent of smokers want to quit. Then, do not mind to start smoking and suppose you can quit smoking whenever you want."

It's best for your health certainly avoid smoking altogether.

Of health behavior research at University College London, Professor Robert West said that it is important to remember, smoking affects the health of more than died prematurely, such as premature aging of the skin. "Around the age of mid-20-something years your lung function peaked and then declined. For some people it's not a problem - they are in their 60s or 70s still good lung function. However, if you smoke , and then stop, no damage can not be repaired, which combined with a decreased ability as they age can affect the quality of their lives. "

Actually there is another issue about smoking if they want to get pregnant because smoking affects fertility and there is a danger peek if smoking during and after childbirth. There are other reasons that can be used for antismoking kampenye on women, the cosmetic reasons.

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