Let Kids Eat Anything

Let Kids Eat Anything
It is undeniable overweight or obesity in children one of which related to their eating habits. Therefore, when the problem is going to find a way out, eating habits essential matters reorganized from different aspects. And do not miss, changing lifestyle of the more happy to sit into a lifestyle that more moves to burn fat.

The main purpose of addressing child obesity is not simply to lose weight but rather to slow down or stop adding weight. Understandably, the children were in a phase of growth requires an adequate nutritional intake. Therefore, dealing with children are overweight or obese are more difficult. It takes patience and diligence, as well as a longer time. Could one or two years, or even longer.

During the drop in weight took place, carried rearrangement by regulating eating behavior that is new to the child. Behavior change requires a long time to adjust. Selaini tu, not only the children involved but also the parents and the whole family. Because children have a habit of imitating those around them, then the role of the parents to give them much-needed example. Neither gave an example of good eating habits and activity habits.

Do not cross the line

The first thing to know the parents, especially the mother in addressing child obesity is how the nutritional needs of children. By providing meals according to nutritional adequacy, the growth of the child to remain good, body is not stretched to the side.

Obese children are usually synonymous with gembul. Surely they are fond of eating. If anyone argues, "But, baseball tuh eat anything!", Medical experts generally believe it. Therefore, obesity is mainly due to excess calories are converted into fat by the body. All calories come from food.

Especially for children who are overweight and obese, the solution is not a strict diet that will make him lazy to do it. But, let them eat anything as long as the food is nutrient dense, nourishing seimbnag; portion arranged so as not to exceed the limit. Fat content was also reduced.

They still should not eat one serving of rice complete with side dishes or 1 serving of chicken noodle meatballs / dumplings, or 1 serving spaghetty meat ball. To select the source of carbohydrate made from grains (rice, pasta, wheat bread). The body needs carbohydrates as the main energy source. Do not forget, also sources of carbohydrates include fiber types such as those found in vegetables and fruits. Carbohydrate type can control weight.

Complete source of carbohydrates with 2-3 servings of animal and vegetable protein made from legumes such as tofu and tempeh. Be selected animal protein such as lean a lean beef, chicken without skin and fat, fish. Since fried foods increase the intake of saturated fat, alternately presenting this menu with no fried. When the day your child is given a menu that is fried favorite children, tomorrow give them a menu that is not fried but were still favored children.

Children usually like soup, then they Generate various soups such as chicken noodle soup, beef soup, fish soup, or soup of shrimp, from day to day. Their diet should vary because children usually get bored if that's all the food, especially if the food was not his favorite food. Anyway, any food containing nutrients vary. With a variety of food, the child will get a variety of nutrients each having different functions.

Bored with soup, serve other favorite foods. Can burgers, spaghetti, steak, and so on.


In the fight against obesity and obesity in children, fat becomes the main target. Although so the main target, not fat need to be removed at all, just reduced it. Because the child's body needs fat to the growth process. Just choose good fats such as those found in fish. The content of omega-3 in fish is needed for brain development and function. Prompts nutritionists for fat intake in children with more weight is 25-30% of total calories. For 1500 cal diet, fat intake should be between 33-42 g, while for 1800 cal, 50 - 60 g.

Milk is also a source of fat and also a good source of calcium for growing bones and teeth. Therefore, even if the child has chosen more weight, she should keep drinking milk 2 cups per day. In obese children, karen lemk content in the body is more, then drink the milk must be low or non-fat milk. But this rule does not apply to children under the age of two years. Habits of the mothers giving milk when her son was sleeping soundly for fear of children are hungry, need to be eliminated.

Children need to be considered fat in their blood cholesterol levels. You see, most of them high levels of cholesterol in their blood. In a study proved that children weighing more, let alone to obesity, hardening of the blood vessels begin to experience seperit occurring in the elderly as a result of fatty deposits (plaque). When this happens, their risk of coronary heart disease or stroke at a young age increases. That is why you should limit your cholesterol intake not exceed 300 mg per day.

Importantly, the menu they do not forget to put the elements of the famous fruits and vegetables are low in calories and low in fat, rich in fiber. In addition, it also supplies the vitamins and minerals that can help control weight.

Snacking should remain

It was, no child who is not fond of snacking. Kedoyanan is not merely wrong but it could be because children imitate their parents or because the parents used to give the gift of snacks such as ice cream, chocolate, sweets, biscuits, or a light snack for his accomplishments or good deeds the child. From now on, the parents need to get rid of the habit. If wanted to give something to the children, provide non-food items or praise - kids are usually happy when praised.

Snacking habits of children need not be removed. Because, especially snacking between meals, for example, when the first break or afternoon, will provide additional energy supply for them to learn or their homework. It's just a healthy snack, not sweet, or fried like a favorite child in general. Give them snacks that are low in calories and fat but nutrient dense such as fruit, nuts, or gelatin in measured portions.

When a time they had been invited to a birthday party, let them eat ice cream, cake like his friends. After all, it's only occasionally.

Adopt Tukan

It is the nature of children to imitate their parents and those around them. Therefore, in a program to combat childhood obesity, the active involvement of parents is required. From giving the example of living and eating healthy, giving more time and attention. The meal with the family will be a fun time for the children than she ate alone and eating his favorite buakn. They can eat while telling what they experienced that day.

The dining table can also be an excellent information to their diet program. Parents had the opportunity to make one, as to why vegetables should be eaten.

Alternatively, they cite chewing food until smooth. How to lighten the work is in addition to the digestive tract, is also capable of controlling weight.

Then, invite them to take food according to portion. Thus, there would be no food left and the kids were eating in enough calories.

Eating together at the restaurant was also not taboo. But the choice of fast-food restaurant is a favorite of children should be minimized. For example, if you and your family usually go to eat out every week, the choice of fast food restaurant once a month may be enough. Drink enough water or tea for soft drinks and other sugary beverages are high in calories.

Moving and moving

Other efforts to overcome overweight and obese children is to burn fat through physical activity. If they usually spend after school events or weekends by watching television, playing computer and video games, now have to be limited just one hour. Next, invite them to play. Play - whether playing basketball, rides on a bicycle, swimming - for ½ hour. Do not be too long though, as the body will feel very tired so berkonsentasi while studying later.

Weekend or holiday period is the most fun for the kids. For a while they are free from the burden of school. Fill out this holiday event with a morning walk, cycling, or exercising together in health club followed by a meal with, of course, fun for the child. Coloring a vacation to the mountains or to the beach of course, when the long-awaited by the children. This outdoor, parents can take children hiking or jogging. It was a fun event and simultaneously burn fat.

Addressing overweight and obese children in a fun way it will give a positive result. Their bodies grow according to age but no longer stretched to the side, but also upwards. Most importantly, the disease went away.

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