Alternative Cures Headaches

Alternative Cures Headaches
Headaches are a common problem in modern society. Stress can be called as a major trigger pain. But many also considered trivial because the frequency of headaches that occur less frequently. This pain disorder can actually be solved easily.

Try checking nutrition for your body. Several types of nutrients can prevent and alleviate headaches. Including vitamin D that are often associated with calcium for bone density. You do not need to look for painkillers, simply provide a glass of water and the following supplements to meet the body's nutritional needs.
Vitamin B2.
A study conducted by health experts say, enough intake of vitamin B2 reduces attacks of headaches, especially migraines. Dr. Mikolai, Chief Resident at the National College of Natural Medicine, Portland, Oregon, are also advised to consume about 400 mg of vitamin B2 daily. When the migrants, decreased energy output on the back of the brain. Vitamin B2 helps the cells to maintain energy output. Than through supplements, you can also get your intake of vitamin B2 in almonds, mushrooms, wheat, and soybeans.
Vitamin D.
Often feel there is no energy when you do not leave the house at all? Exposure to sunlight can also help build the body's energy and boost immunity naturally. Including refusing pain. Lack of vitamin D can cause chronic pain. The standard dose for vitamin D is 2,000 mg per day, although in many cases, required more. Or, just eat fresh milk every day.
In addition to a lack of vitamin B2 and vitamin D, low magnesium levels often trigger headaches. Magnesium itself is a source of minerals and produce energy for the body. It's good to always include green leafy vegetables in the daily diet, in addition to regularly taking supplements.

As far as possible meet the nutritional needs of the natural ingredients.

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